Setting The Captives Free Outreach

Mario from "Setting The Captives Free" is someone who dedicates himself to feeding the homeless on the street and distributing bibles. So the gospel may be available to those lost in the streets. This ministry is ran by him and many saints that help out. This ministry started with just a cart with some packed lunches and a few bibles. But the Lord Jesus has blessed it. Now many come to eat and hear the Gospel. Jesus has done many miracles through this ministry. From healing to many receiving the Holy Ghost. But the most important of all is the salvation that our Lord and Savior Jesus gives.

As people wait in line to eat. They get to hear the gospel. Not everyone responds but Jesus is out looking for the one that wants to come to repentance. That is the heart of God he leaves the 99 sheep for the 1 that is lost. He is more worried about the one that is lost. In the streets anything can happen. They will be there one day then killed the next. Sometimes people overdose but Jesus is out looking for the one to save.